Office of Civility

Title IX – Sexual Misconduct

To report Sexual Misconduct or Sexual Discrimination, please use our reporting form.

Message from the Title IX Coordinator

Rowan-Cabarrus Community College supports all applicable laws specific to sexual discrimination and sexual misconduct. Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments Act (1972) prohibits discrimination based on sex in educational programs receiving federal funding. The Clery Act (1990), the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (2013), the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (2013), along with the Department of Education guidance, requires that colleges implement procedures and programs to prevent and address sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and any other form sexual misconduct. Sexual Misconduct is defined as any unwelcome verbal, non-verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Rowan-Cabarrus Community College prohibits all forms of sexual misconduct.

We all have a responsibility to stop sexual violence. Help us to continue to provide a safe and respectful learning environment. If you experience something, see something, or hear something, I invite you to say something to me so we can work together to stop sexual misconduct and remedy any impact. Again, a safe and respectful learning community is our highest priority.

Please feel free to contact me by telephone, email or in-person with any questions, thoughts or concerns. Thank you for taking time to be informed!

Michael Hughes,
Title IX Coordinator

What is Sexual Misconduct?

Any unwelcome verbal, non-verbal or physical conduct related to sex or gender is considered sexual misconduct and is prohibited by Rowan-Cabarrus Community College. Sexual misconduct may include but is not limited sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating or domestic violence and stalking. Sexual harassment may also include repeated unwelcome sexual gestures, jokes, noises, or comments, unwanted requests for sexual favors, non-consensual sexual touching, and unsolicited comments about gender or sexual orientation.

If you experience or have experienced sexual harassment or sexual misconduct, we ask that you report or seek assistance as soon as possible. We recognize that deciding whether to make a report is a personal decision. A decision that may evolve over time. At the time a report is made, you do not have to decide on a particular course of action. Reports are held privately and only those who need to know will have access.

For additional information, please review the Rowan-Cabarrus – Rights and Information Guide – Sexual Misconduct.

If you a need someone to talk with or you want to explore your options without reporting, please contact one of the confidential resources provided below. You may also request to see a confidential resource in-person at the Navigation Station on either North Campus or South Campus. They can provide information and support without having to report. Please remember, Rowan-Cabarrus prohibits any form of retaliation against the persons reporting or anyone engaged in the process.

Your ability to recognize, prevent and report sexual misconduct is critical to ensuring a safe and respectful learning environment for everyone.


Confidential Resources

  • Rowan-Cabarrus Student Advocacy Services (704-216-7222)
  • Rowan-Cabarrus Student Support Program (800-633-3353)
  • Rowan-Cabarrus Employee Assistance Program (800-633-3353)
  • Esther House – Cabarrus County (704-961-7502)
  • Family Crisis Council – Rowan County 704-636-4718)
  • Cabarrus Victims Assistance Network (CVAN) – Cabarrus County (704-788-2826)
  • Rowan Regional Medical Center (704-210-5000)
  • Northeast Medical Center (704-403-3000)